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Как можно в .NET вывести стандартный диалог создания соединения с БД?


Function CreateConnString(Optional ByVal parentForm As Form = Nothing)
As String
Dim dataLink As Object =

'On Error Resume Next
If Not parentForm Is Nothing Then
dataLink.hWnd = parentForm.Handle.ToInt32()
End If

' display the dialog
Dim o As Object = dataLink.PromptNew()
If o Is Nothing Then Return "" Else Return o.ConnectionString.ToString()

End Function

'============= variant 2========================
'Need add reference to COM component
'MS OLEDB Service Component 1.0 Type Library

Function CreateConnString(Optional ByVal parentForm As Form = Nothing)
As String
'Dim dataLink As Object = CreateObject("DataLinks")
Dim dataLink As New MSDASC.DataLinks()

'On Error Resume Next
If Not parentForm Is Nothing Then
dataLink.hWnd = parentForm.Handle.ToInt32()
End If

' display the dialog
Dim o As Object = dataLink.PromptNew()
If o Is Nothing Then Return "" Else Return o.ConnectionString.ToString()

End Function
'To edit existing connection use dataLink.PromptEdit()

Павел Сурменок

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