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Как подгружать «нестандартный» шрифт посетителю сайта?


C помощью CSS можно объявить свой шрифт:

@font-face { font-family: my-font; src:url(http://mysite.ru/my-font.ttf);}


src: url(../Ovr3/goudyst0.ttf)

Shemyakin Dmitry

Вот что на этот счет говорит CSS2 reference:

The user agent will recognize the name of font formats that it supports, and will avoid downloading fonts in formats that it does not recognize.
An initial list of format strings defined by this specification and representing formats likely to be used by implementations on various platforms is:

truedoc-pfr — TrueDoc Portable Font Resource — .pfr
embedded-opentype — Embedded OpenType — .eot
type-1 — PostScript Type 1 — .pfb, .pfa
truetype — TrueType — .ttf
opentype — OpenType, including TrueType Open — .ttf
truetype-gx — TrueType with GX extensions
speedo — Speedo
intellifont — Intellifont


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